It is not about your hair.
But it is not his hair that is earning him this reward, it is the sheer fact that right in the face of certain annihilation of himself, his smoking hot wife, his family, his friends, his dog ranch and then the rest of his rat-eating, city confined, poor, hungry, pathetic citizens that live life behind an electric fence even though they have no electricity for their home, he boldly stands up and says "dotard" to the leader of the most powerful country in the world.
Kim Jong-Un, recently dubbed as The Rocket Man by the world leader with either the second or first most intriguing hair cut, seems to be fearless of the big American bully that takes cruel advantage of the rest of the world while it is feeding it, clothing it, taking care of it medically giving it large amounts of money and protecting it from crazy assess with large bombs, tiny brains and little concern for fellow humans. If you are worried about global warming but not what Kimberly is up to, then you are basically either the next to the bottom or bottom range of the IQ scale, which means you are either an imbecile or retarded.
Yes, Kimberly thumbed his nose at the big bully we call America and says, and Billy Hill paraphrases here in a very politically incorrect manner, "you can stahv my people, you can drive the poor, hungry and depressed citizens of my country to death by sanctions, but you will only peese me off and drive me to make a bigger and bigger firequacker and brow it up over Pacific Ocean". I am sure Kimberly, his smoking hot wife, his friends and his dog ranch will be just fine. I am sure they have stock piles of food and water to last them through any sanctioning that can be thrown at him and quite frankly, I am sure he does not care if his citizens die. I mean after all, they are just a burden on him anyway, always wanting food, water and clothing, they really don't pay attention to his 24x7 propaganda TV broadcasts and they won't stay put in the city they are supposed to stay in so we watch them on camera.
It is not about your smoking hot wife.
But holy smokes, it takes some cowboy sized balls to make this move Kimberly. Because, it will become apparent that the only ones suffering from the sanctions are the kind but unfortunate citizens of North Korea. And even though we appear to be a divided nation, we will all agree that this is not the solution and the only real solution here is to mess your hair up, with a nicely placed MOAB. Yes, the hate-filled evil Americans will not put up with your citizens bearing the brunt of your stupidity. And so, there will be a big target put on your overly fat and bulging cheeks . . . . both sets of them. You will be taken and you know it, but you just don't have the ability to admit it and so, as Trump so clearly stated to the UN, you are on a suicide mission. And so, like the guy that walks into a redneck bar and screams "you bunch of retarded hay seeds" or the guy that kicks over the Harley Davidson bikes lined in front of a biker bar like dominoes, you are not very smart but you are fearless. And because of that Kimberly, you receive the valued Billy Hill Badassary award, and the fact that you have a smoking hot wife has nothing to do with it. Seriously.
But who wins the worse hair award hair, please comment and leave your vote.
(a) Trump
(b) Kimberly
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